7 吋甘蔗渣餐碟

7 吋甘蔗渣餐碟 7 吋甘蔗渣餐碟

7 吋甘蔗渣餐碟

7 吋甘蔗渣餐碟 尺寸非常適合搭配沙拉或小吃。堅固、時尚,適用於熱食或冷食,可用於微波爐和冰箱。比紙餐盤堅固得多。Vegware 環保餐具及外賣包裝,品質屢獲殊榮,由植物製成,可以有效堆疊並且使用後更可與廚餘一同回收,變成堆肥物料。 Meet our 7in bagasse plate - the ideal size for a side salad or light bite. Sturdy, stylish and good for hot or cold food they're microwave and freezer safe. Far more sturdy than paper plates, and far less carbon too.